Banks Gather in Belfast

We’re pleased to hear that later this month small businesses from Belfast will have an opportunity to talk directly to the Northern Ireland’s high street banks and hear from the Minister of Finance and Personnel, Sammy Wilson MP MLA, about the best ways to boost Northern Ireland’s economy. Commenting on the event, to be held…

Managers Appointed for New £50m NI Fund

From Braveheart Investment Group plc has been appointed to manage the Growth Loan Fund, which aims to generate £150million sales growth per annum for small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The fund forms a key component of Invest Northern Ireland’s wider Access to Finance strategy, with the objective of stimulating the availability of risk capital…

Happy New Year

2012 business prospects,especially in relation to Banks and their behaviour show no signs of improvement. Reported “business as usual” in relation to future Bank borrowings is a total myth. Let me give you an example from mid December 2011:- Client (sole trader) has been a loyal Bank customer since 1972. I quote from a Bank…

The sad tale of Ireland’s rise and fall

Let’s start with the bald facts. Ireland is broke. That’s not new news. John Stepek wrote about the parlous state of the country’s finances exactly a year ago: Ireland’s banking woes could spark another eurozone crisis. But here’s the quick version of how it happened. Ireland used to enjoy steady economic growth. But things got…

Consumer confidence dampened

Consumer confidence took a sharp downturn during April, new figures have indicated. In its latest survey, market research group GfK NOP found that all five of the measures of consumer confidence it usually tracks slipped back in the month. The index slumped by a further three points, sinking to -31, compared with the -16 recorded…

Northern Bank report: Sharp fall in consumer confidence

Consumer confidence in Northern Ireland has experienced its sharpest decline since 2008, according to Northern Bank. The latest findings are contained in the bank’s Consumer Confidence survey. The survey looks at the financial position of local households and their expectations for the year ahead. Its chief economist, Angela McGowan, said: “Consumers are fretting about reduced…

Many European banks need bigger capital cushions to stop them being a risk to the global financial system and precipitating another crisis, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) says

Such banks are “caught in a maelstrom of interlinked pressures” the IMF said. The low levels of capital make some German banks, as well as weak Italian, Portuguese and Spanish savings banks, “vulnerable to further shocks”. But it said global financial stability had improved in the past half year. The findings came in the IMF’s…

Ulster Bank Leadership Conference

Speaking at a recent Ulster Bank leadership conference under the theme “turning the Corner – Surviving to Thriving” FPM Managing Partner Feargal McCormack stated “I don’t know all the answers but I acknowledge the economic downturn and the global crisis in banking has been unpleasant. The Recession and the changing banking regulations environment has taught…